The Data Privacy
Startup That Makes
AI Work for You

The Data Privacy Startup That Makes AI Work for You

The Data Privacy Startup That Makes AI Work for You

The risks of generative AI are serious - control is key.

As a trusted data privacy startup, Transcend already had international credibility within the tech industry. The release of ChatGPT in 2022 supercharged an already-frenzied market for enterprise AI. But while AI products offered very tempting incentives (most notably saving businesses both time and money), their adoption posed many serious data risks. In response to this anxiety, industry leaders promoted the idea of “AI Governance” – a term that referred to training employees to follow particular policies. Thanks to their experience solving privacy problems with code, Transcend was well aware that policy and training are only as good as their enforcement. 70% of employees using Large Language Models like ChatGPT do so without their employer’s knowledge (Workday Survey). It was clear that controlling each individual person’s behavior would not be an effective shield against risks. Businesses faced an awkward dilemma. If they did not adopt AI, then their competitors who did would leave them in the dust. If they did adopt AI, they gambled with uncertainty, offering up their company’s assets and reputation to unknown forces. Transcend could change the conversation around AI governance – and develop a powerful, effective AI governance product that could provide out-of-the-box safeguards. For companies torn between behaving recklessly and moving too slowly to stay competitive, Transcend wanted to unroll the red carpet for Pathfinder, their new AI governance product, and the first-of-its-kind code solution.

As a trusted data privacy startup, Transcend already had international credibility within the tech industry. The release of ChatGPT in 2022 supercharged an already-frenzied market for enterprise AI. But while AI products offered very tempting incentives (most notably saving businesses both time and money), their adoption posed many serious data risks. In response to this anxiety, industry leaders promoted the idea of “AI Governance” – a term that referred to training employees to follow particular policies. Thanks to their experience solving privacy problems with code, Transcend was well aware that policy and training are only as good as their enforcement. 70% of employees using Large Language Models like ChatGPT do so without their employer’s knowledge (Workday Survey). It was clear that controlling each individual person’s behavior would not be an effective shield against risks. Businesses faced an awkward dilemma. If they did not adopt AI, then their competitors who did would leave them in the dust. If they did adopt AI, they gambled with uncertainty, offering up their company’s assets and reputation to unknown forces. Transcend could change the conversation around AI governance – and develop a powerful, effective AI governance product that could provide out-of-the-box safeguards. For companies torn between behaving recklessly and moving too slowly to stay competitive, Transcend wanted to unroll the red carpet for Pathfinder, their new AI governance product, and the first-of-its-kind code solution.

As a trusted data privacy startup, Transcend already had international credibility within the tech industry. The release of ChatGPT in 2022 supercharged an already-frenzied market for enterprise AI. But while AI products offered very tempting incentives (most notably saving businesses both time and money), their adoption posed many serious data risks. In response to this anxiety, industry leaders promoted the idea of “AI Governance” – a term that referred to training employees to follow particular policies. Thanks to their experience solving privacy problems with code, Transcend was well aware that policy and training are only as good as their enforcement. 70% of employees using Large Language Models like ChatGPT do so without their employer’s knowledge (Workday Survey). It was clear that controlling each individual person’s behavior would not be an effective shield against risks. Businesses faced an awkward dilemma. If they did not adopt AI, then their competitors who did would leave them in the dust. If they did adopt AI, they gambled with uncertainty, offering up their company’s assets and reputation to unknown forces. Transcend could change the conversation around AI governance – and develop a powerful, effective AI governance product that could provide out-of-the-box safeguards. For companies torn between behaving recklessly and moving too slowly to stay competitive, Transcend wanted to unroll the red carpet for Pathfinder, their new AI governance product, and the first-of-its-kind code solution.

Solving the AI Dilemma with Code

Solving the AI Dilemma
with Code

Solving the AI Dilemma with Code

Everywhere you looked, there was a cuckoo energy about AI — but not much practical conversation around the risk-or-languish dilemma that businesses found themselves in. When Transcend introduced Pathfinder, they solved this dilemma in one neat stroke. Whereas before enterprise AI was characterized by its innate risk, Pathfinder offers effortless transparency and control. Finally, businesses can adopt AI with confidence – getting all of the good from AI with none of the bad.

Everywhere you looked, there was a cuckoo energy about AI — but not much practical conversation around the risk-or-languish dilemma that businesses found themselves in. When Transcend introduced Pathfinder, they solved this dilemma in one neat stroke. Whereas before enterprise AI was characterized by its innate risk, Pathfinder offers effortless transparency and control. Finally, businesses can adopt AI with confidence – getting all of the good from AI with none of the bad.

Everywhere you looked, there was a cuckoo energy about AI — but not much practical conversation around the risk-or-languish dilemma that businesses found themselves in. When Transcend introduced Pathfinder, they solved this dilemma in one neat stroke. Whereas before enterprise AI was characterized by its innate risk, Pathfinder offers effortless transparency and control. Finally, businesses can adopt AI with confidence – getting all of the good from AI with none of the bad.

The Insight:

When businesses use AI without code-level governance, they gamble with uncertainty — putting their data, IP, trade secrets, private information, reputation, and credibility on the line. Rather than surrender to these destructive possibilities, Transcend lets companies take back their control. With Pathfinder, Transcend’s out-of-the-box middleware solution, AI works for you.

When businesses use AI without code-level governance, they gamble with uncertainty — putting their data, IP, trade secrets, private information, reputation, and credibility on the line. Rather than surrender to these destructive possibilities, Transcend lets companies take back their control. With Pathfinder, Transcend’s out-of-the-box middleware solution, AI works for you.

When businesses use AI without code-level governance, they gamble with uncertainty — putting their data, IP, trade secrets, private information, reputation, and credibility on the line. Rather than surrender to these destructive possibilities, Transcend lets companies take back their control. With Pathfinder, Transcend’s out-of-the-box middleware solution, AI works for you.

The Challenge:

The time was right for a fresh new voice in the AI conversation, but there was just. so. much. noise. We needed to show 1) the dire need for AI governance, and 2) how Pathfinder makes AI Governance easy — in a way that was memorable enough to push all those same old, same old “dream the future with AI” stories into the background.

The time was right for a fresh new voice in the AI conversation, but there was just. so. much. noise. We needed to show 1) the dire need for AI governance, and 2) how Pathfinder makes AI Governance easy — in a way that was memorable enough to push all those same old, same old “dream the future with AI” stories into the background.

The time was right for a fresh new voice in the AI conversation, but there was just. so. much. noise. We needed to show 1) the dire need for AI governance, and 2) how Pathfinder makes AI Governance easy — in a way that was memorable enough to push all those same old, same old “dream the future with AI” stories into the background.

The Idea:
“Make AI Work for You”

What happens if you adopt enterprise AI into your business too quickly, and without the proper safeguards? How quickly can it all go wrong? This cautionary tale about an imaginary company’s reckless and frankly naive adoption of AI features animation, a custom-made soundtrack, and a narrator. In the end, the narrator – sadder but wiser – reflects on the experience, explaining how all this disaster and its snowballing aftermath could have been avoided with a code solution for AI governance. Only Pathfinder can make AI work for you. The Pancakes Video directed viewers to a campaign website,, where they could sign up for the Pathfinder waitlist and learn more about Transcend’s approach to AI governance.

What happens if you adopt enterprise AI into your business too quickly, and without the proper safeguards? How quickly can it all go wrong? This cautionary tale about an imaginary company’s reckless and frankly naive adoption of AI features animation, a custom-made soundtrack, and a narrator. In the end, the narrator – sadder but wiser – reflects on the experience, explaining how all this disaster and its snowballing aftermath could have been avoided with a code solution for AI governance. Only Pathfinder can make AI work for you. The Pancakes Video directed viewers to a campaign website,, where they could sign up for the Pathfinder waitlist and learn more about Transcend’s approach to AI governance.

What happens if you adopt enterprise AI into your business too quickly, and without the proper safeguards? How quickly can it all go wrong? This cautionary tale about an imaginary company’s reckless and frankly naive adoption of AI features animation, a custom-made soundtrack, and a narrator. In the end, the narrator – sadder but wiser – reflects on the experience, explaining how all this disaster and its snowballing aftermath could have been avoided with a code solution for AI governance. Only Pathfinder can make AI work for you. The Pancakes Video directed viewers to a campaign website,, where they could sign up for the Pathfinder waitlist and learn more about Transcend’s approach to AI governance.

Click to play Pancakes video. Animation created by Heironymous.

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