Common Sense
A new way to help parents navigate their kids’ digital lives.
Most technology wasn’t designed with kids in mind. The nonprofit organization Common Sense Media is on a mission to change that. They work tirelessly to keep kids safe online by providing entertainment ratings, reviews, research, education, and advocacy. Unfortunately, they are primarily known for their free ratings and reviews, which has significant implications on their financials. The challenge was to broaden their narrow brand perception and encourage families engaging with their free content to upgrade to a paid membership.
To address this, we introduced the strategic line and platform “Make Sense of Their World,” positioning Common Sense Media as a tool to help families responsibly navigate their kids' digital lives. We launched this strategic shift with holiday newsletters and a digital campaign, reframing their extensive parental guides as the solution to the many digital questions and challenges families face during the holiday season.
Strategic Brand Positioning
Creative Strategy
Big Ideas
Digital Campaigns
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Tone of Voice
Digital Campaigns
Brand Messaging
Illustration & Animation
+44% memberships during campaign
5% closer to annual revenue goal
Widening perception of their brand
The Newsletters
Digital Ads
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